teeth protruding

Class II Malocclusion correction with braces

What is a Class II Malocclusion? Commonly referred to as an overbite, this occurs when the upper jaw and teeth protrude significantly further than the lower jaw and teeth. Such misalignment, characterized by what orthodontists call an “excess overjet,” can affect both the function and appearance of a person’s smile. The correction of this type of malocclusion involves the strategic use of braces or Invisalign to adjust the position of the teeth and jaw, improving balance and function.

Why this should be corrected

Correcting a Class II Malocclusion is important not only for cosmetic reasons but for functional health as well. Individuals suffering from this condition often experience difficulty biting or chewing food effectively, which can lead to digestive problems. Furthermore, an unbalanced appearance of the face can cause self-consciousness and emotional distress.

Orthodontic treatment to correct this misalignment typically lasts 16-18 months, depending on the severity of the case and the specific needs of the patient. Addressing this issue through orthodontics can significantly improve both oral function and facial symmetry, enhancing the individual’s quality of life.

Options for all ages

Class II Malocclusion can be corrected at any age, though the treatment may differ slightly between children and adults. In children, orthodontic interventions such as braces are often combined with modifications that can guide the development of the jaw and teeth as they grow. For adults, treatment typically focuses more on adjusting the position of the teeth through braces and other orthodontic appliances.

Looking for Class 1 Malocclusion information or Class II Malocclusion correction options? The good news is both age groups have a range of solutions available. Understanding these options can help patients make educated decisions about their orthodontic care to achieve the best possible results. Whether for aesthetic improvement, functional enhancement, or both, orthodontic treatment offers a pathway to a healthier, more confident smile.

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