Treat Sleep Apnea

How Orthodontics Can Help Treat Sleep Apnea

Orthodontics typically focuses on diagnosing and treating “bad bites” and the way your teeth fit together. However, orthodontists may be the first medical professionals to recognize the signs and symptoms of a potentially serious sleep disorder in patients known as sleep apnea.

Children and adults who have sleep apnea stop breathing while they sleep. While there is no cure, early orthodontic treatment could reverse the causes or make a patient’s symptoms less intense. Treatment options frequently include oral appliances (special mouthpieces) that prevent narrowing of the airway muscles and enable proper breathing during sleep, though modifying certain lifestyle factors or turning to surgical options may also be appropriate.

Understanding Sleep Apnea

There isn’t a singular cause for sleep apnea. Known causes for a patient with the most common type, obstructive sleep apnea, may include anything that could narrow the airway; for example, obesity, hormone level changes or large tonsils can all increase the risk. Less common, central sleep apnea happens when a patient’s brain does not send the signals needed to breathe.

In either type, symptoms usually involve loud snoring, poor quality sleep and daytime sleepiness or excessive tiredness. Additional symptoms may be present; it’s advised to talk to your healthcare provider about anything you experience or observe regarding your condition. You may need a sleep study to help confirm a sleep apnea diagnosis.

Orthodontic Solutions

As a leader and innovator in orthodontics Dr. Mario proudly provides treatment options that can improve sleep apnea. By orthodontically adjusting the position of your teeth he can achieve balance in the bite that improves your breathing and speech. Though braces and jaw alignment are mostly associated with the creation of attractive smiles orthodontics can play an invaluable role in addressing a wide range of health issues beyond just the appearance of your teeth.

Do you have questions or concerns regarding sleep apnea or your dental health? Let Dr. Mario and our energetic, easy-going team of professionals’ help. The knowledge and expertise of our team can not only improve your smile but your quality of life. Contact us today!

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