4 Invisalign mistakes that many people make

4 Invisalign mistakes that many people make

Invisalign can be a big adjustment, and you are bound to make some beginner mistakes when starting your treatment. Your Invisalign routine may be relatively simple and low maintenance, but it’s easy to forget some of the necessary steps or handle your aligners improperly.

We have compiled the top four mistakes that Invisalign users make when they begin the treatment process. Fortunately, most of these mistakes are easily remedied. However, that doesn’t mean you should be careless with your aligners. Keep reading to find out what to avoid when straightening your teeth with Invisalign.

The list

  1. Tossing the trays — One of the benefits of Invisalign aligners is the fact that they’re removable. Trays should be taken out when eating and drinking anything besides water. However, this can make it easy to throw the trays out by accident. Be sure when you are cleaning up after a meal that your aligners don’t get tossed out with the scraps.
  2. Forgetting the trays — In order for Invisalign to be effective, you have to wear the aligners for about 20-22 hours per day. Forgetting to put your aligners in for extended periods of time can jeopardize the treatment process. Be sure to wear them as often as possible to get the best results.
  3. Not cleaning aligners — Our mouths are riddled with bacteria and food residue that can be damaging to your aligner trays and your actual teeth. Cleaning your trays helps to prevent bacteria from being trapped between them and your teeth, warding off dental decay.
  4. Not calling their Orthodontist — If you make any of these mistakes or have any other issues with your Invisalign aligners, it is imperative that you contact your orthodontist. They will help you replace lost or damaged aligners or suggest another course of action if necessary.

That last one…

Make sure to call your orthodontist right away if you begin experiencing problems with Invisalign. If you are having issues with the fit of the aligners, or  discomfort or pain while wearing them, your teeth can suffer. That’s why it’s crucial you ask for help from a trusted care provider before the problem becomes too severe.

If you’re in need of an orthodontist that is invested in your dental care, look no further than Marina Del Rey. Dr. Mario Paz is the best orthodontist in Los Angeles, backed by an experienced team of dental care providers. Our Invisalign program is one of the best in the state, and our team is well versed in alternative braces. Arrange a consultation today to determine if Invisalign is right for you.

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