lisp from braces

Limiting the lisp from braces

One of the aspects of getting Lingual braces or Invisalign is learning how to talk with metal wires or plastic in your mouth. Many people describe having a slight lisp in the beginning, which can be uncomfortable or embarrassing.

If you are new to braces and noticing a difference in your speech, you may be wondering how to get rid of the lisp. While it may take time for your mouth to adjust, we have a few tips to make limiting the lisp a bit easier.

Tips & Tricks

Our first tip for getting rid of a lisp from braces is to talk more! Navigating conversations with braces can be a bit awkward and uncomfortable but don’t let that discourage you. Instead, practice talking with friends, read out loud, and even sing, to get used to how it feels to enunciate around your brackets or plastic aligners. Your tongue needs to get used to this new environment.

If your brackets or wires are causing discomfort or sensitivity while talking, discuss applying dental wax, or other soft materials, with your orthodontist. The more comfortable the tongue is, the more clearly you will speak.

Perfecting your speech may take a few days to a couple of weeks. But hang in there – with practice and patience, you’ll be speaking comfortably and clearly again soon.

Will anyone even notice?

When it comes to things like a lisp from braces, people around you may not even notice. We’re often our own harshest critics, aware of our own quirks more than anyone else’s. So, chances are, you may not have anything to feel embarrassed or insecure about in the first place.

If you need an appliance that may not affect the speech less, there are metal and clear brackets placed in front of the teeth. The tongue does not touch the brackets so the speech is not interfered with. The top cosmetic treatment options of Lingual braces and Invisalign® are customized and state of the art. Talk to your orthodontist to determine which treatment is right for you.

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