Don't order dental braces from a TV commercial

Don’t order dental braces from a TV commercial

Infomercials advertising at home teeth straightening kits are becoming more and more prevalent, using trendy imagery and subscription boxes to sell do-it-yourself braces. These mail order orthodontic kits are an attractive option to people looking for a more affordable, less invasive approach to dentistry. Why visit a local orthodontist when you could do their job from the comfort of your own home?

Unfortunately, what the TV commercials for dental braces won’t tell you is that DIY dentistry comes with some serious risks. Both the American Dental Association and The American Association of Orthodontics issued warnings against the use of at home orthodontic kits. The organizations have not explicitly denounced any of these DIY products, but they encourage consumers to carefully consider the risks.

The results could be… ugly

TV commercials for at home orthodontic kits will showcase smiling faces with serene expressions and various testimonials for how convenient their products are. But these commercials obviously do not delve into the many potential problems with DIY braces. Some of the dangers include gum damage, infection, and even tooth loss in extreme cases. Before you take the plunge and buy braces from an infomercial, do your research to assure you receive quality treatment from a quality service.

First and foremost, few of these DIY dentistry companies offer personalized consultations with a dental care provider. If you are considering one of these kits, it’s important to find out if the service offers x-rays or in person appointments and how that factors into the cost. Furthermore, ask whether your care provider’s credentials are available to you. Take a look at the reviews and see what problems other consumers are having, whether they are experiencing pain or discomfort from their aligners.

Need more?

The risks of DIY home teeth straightening generally outweigh the benefits. At home dental care kits may seem like an accessible option for people who need braces by saving you the time and expense of a traditional dental treatment. However, if your DIY braces negatively impact your oral health, you’ll have to spend that same amount of time and money—if not more—to solve the problem.

If you’re interested in aligners to straighten your teeth, visit a trusted dental care provider to discuss your options and receive a specialized consultation. Looking for a quality orthodontist in Los Angeles County? Dr. Mario Paz runs an office out of Marina Del Rey staffed with an experienced team. He and his associates have expertise in Invisalign and other types of braces, making them a valuable resource for anyone thinking about getting braces.

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