back to school

Going back to school with braces made easy

The new school year is fast approaching, but not every kid is quite ready to go back to the classroom. Going back to school means new teachers, new classmates, and new social situations. It’s a big transition that can be stressful for any kid, but especially for kids with braces.

Getting braces over the summer is a great way to ensure you have time for dentist appointments and to adjust to the addition in your routine. However, getting braces in summer means going back to school with braces. If your child has newer braces, they might be nervous about their peers noticing the change. “Traditional braces” of the past are not the same as today’s braces! Traditional braces may be historically uncool, and even clear braces may be less than chic, despite being more discreet. No matter what type of braces your child has, they might anticipate teasing or feel self-conscious, making them more reluctant to return to school. With that in mind, here are our tips for getting your child to feel comfortable and even confident in their braces at school.

Will their friends even notice?

Going back to school with braces can present challenges that you might not expect after only having braces at home. You may need to pack specific snacks and lunches that are braces-friendly or send your kid to school with a water bottle to help rinse out food particles and prevent staining from artificially colored drinks.

If your child is experiencing severe discomfort or trouble speaking in class, it may be a good idea to reach out to your child’s orthodontist to explore invisible braces options. Invisible braces like Invisalign are discreet which may put your child at ease if they’re nervous about their friends noticing their braces. Invisalign aligners are also removable, making eating, drinking, and brushing a breeze.

Speaking of brushing, regardless of what kind of braces your child has, we recommend keeping a small care kit in their backpack. This can include items like toothpaste, a toothbrush, floss, and mirror for on-the-go hygiene.

There is no wrong time to get braces

Going back to school with braces might be a little awkward at first, but that’s no reason to put off necessary orthodontic treatment. The best time to get braces is now, and your kids will feel better when they see how easy it is and what their new smile will be.

Getting braces as a child or teen is easier to manage than latter, when dealing with college or a career. Who knows; it’s entirely possible no one at school will even notice their braces, much less care. Don’t let social stigma keep your child from taking their orthodontic health seriously. They will love their smile when it is finished!

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